
The goal of the meditation is to become more aware of your nature as consciousness.

  • Clear the mental space: At the start of any meditation, the first step is to quiet the mind. We do that by bringing the attention into the present moment. We let go of thoughts, giving attention to the silence in the consciousness space. Then we notice the consequence of that choice by observing the peacefulness in the mind when thoughts disappear. This step awakens us to our potential power – the power to think, to will, to feel, and to influence the body.

●      Use breath with 3rd eye & root chakra awareness to balance the energy space: Breathe into the third eye while grounding in the body by keeping the spinal column straight and holding the pelvic area firmly. As you breathe out, take your attention down to the root of the spine at the perineum area. Be conscious of the pelvic area, the legs and the connection to the ground. Stay firmly grounded in the body. Then open the belly to breathe in. Open the chest gently, lifting the shoulders whilst breathing in. Maintain a rhythmic breath. 

●      Bring in Ujjai breath: Use the ujjai, victory breath. By restricting the breath in the throat using the epiglottis, you get an ocean sound. Maintain the third eye and root awareness in the pelvic area. Breathe opening the belly and the chest. Be conscious of the throat, the back of the neck at the medulla point and the centre of the eyebrows in the brain. 

●      Give attention to the navel centre: Open the belly and breathe consciously.  Be conscious of the vital nature of that centre, the pranic power there revitalizes the nervous system and the body. 

●      Focus on heart chakra: When you feel vital in the body, breathe into the chest opening up to feeling, loving being, bringing prana to the lungs, to the heart and holding your entire body in your loving nature.  You can feel the palms of the hands becoming energized. 

●      Throat chakra awareness: Silence should pervade your mind and the awareness should fill your entire being. Now give attention to your throat as you breathe.  The subtle centre of the throat is connected to space.  Give attention to the expansive nature of the consciousness space as you breathe into the throat.  The energy centre of the throat is connected to listening. Listen to the silence and the expansiveness of the consciousness.  Stay with the rhythm of the breath. 

●      Balance the chakras: Revisit every centre and see which centre needs more attention and stay there. Wherever you place your attention and intention you become conscious of that evolutionary energy within you. Intuitively work with it.

●      Harmonize with nature: Give attention to the awareness of the elements in the body.  At the perineum area or the root centre in the body you will feel that strong connection with the earth. The gross body is connected to the earth element.  At the sacral centre there is the water element and so the connection with fluidity of the body; at the navel centre, the connection with fire; at the heart centre, the connection with air; at the throat centre, the connection with space. From the subtle centres in the body, begin to become conscious of the experience of the elements of nature within your body. The goal is harmonious coexistence with nature.

●      Connect to the collective consciousness: Give attention to the collective consciousness, the energies of life around you. Tune into the peace, love, and goodness coming from the field. Here you are participating in the co-creation of a world of peace, love and harmony.

●      Prepare for the karmic plan of the day: Give attention to the day ahead as an embodied being journeying on the earth plane. Today, a karmic plan is going to unfold. Hold the intention of accepting this play as you engage in it, with the intention of learning and growing through every experience. With the grace of the Universe behind you, let there be a spirit of adventure and excitement of meeting your day aligned to the Divine within you. You have the power of the Universe within you, supporting you. There is no greater power. Hold the intention of staying aligned to that power in the karmic play of this day. Life is full of meaning and purpose when we understand it. 

●      Create an intention for the day: As we look ahead to a new day, let us create this intention strongly in our consciousness, “I centre my consciousness in the infinite source of my being, that source of infinite peace, love, goodness, wisdom, and vitality. I stay centered there with the intention that my every thought, my every word, my every action in this day be a blessing to my world. I give thanks for all the blessings I have received. I am in gratitude and I pray to continue to be worthy.”

Key Ideas: Post-Meditation Talk

●      Be aware of your mind. Be aware of your mental space. It is the most powerful part of you. It is sacred space.

●      Align yourself to the evolutionary power.

●      Observe those tendencies in you that want to uplift, that want to you to be free, that want you to be happy, and that you want to be vital. Those are evolutionary drives. Align yourself to those drives.